Bylaws of CAFSA

Bylaws Chinese American Faculty and Staff Association of 91国产精品   Article I - Name The name of this organization shall be Chinese American Faculty and Staff Association of 91国产精品, hereinafter referred to as CAFSA.   Article II - Purpose The purposes of CAFSA shall be: to facilitate academic, cultural, and social activities; to promote the interests and address the concerns of Chinese American faculty and staff members; to increase sensitivity towards Chinese Americans in the university community; and to assist students, especially those of Chinese heritage. CAFSA is a nonprofit organization.   Article III - Members Section I. Classes of members.   a. Regular members.  Regular members shall be those members who are current or former employees at 91国产精品, who are interested in the purposes of CAFSA, and who have paid dues according to these bylaws. They shall have all the rights of membership. b. Associate members.  Associate members shall be those members who are nominated by a regular member and are approved by the executive committee. They shall pay dues. They shall not have the right to vote or hold office. They may participate in CAFSA events and may attend meetings as observers. Section 2. Dues.  The executive committee shall determine dues. A member must pay dues by September 30 to be in good standing.   Section 3. Membership year. The membership year shall start from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.   Article IV - Officers Section I. Officers. The elected officers of CAFSA shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary/treasurer, an associate program director, and a social director. The president shall appoint a Website manager.   Section 2. Terms of office. The terms of office shall be one year for president and vice-president, and two years for secretary/treasurer. Associate program director and social director shall serve alternate two-year terms.   Section 3. Vacancies in office. In case of a vacancy in any office other than the president, the president with the assistance of the executive committee, shall appoint a member to serve the remaining term of that office. In case of a vacancy in the president's office, the vice-president shall assume the duties of the vacant office.   Section 4. Duties.   a. The president shall represent CAFSA, prepare the agendas, preside over meetings of CAFSA, appoint with the assistance of the executive committee any other committees, approve disbursements, and enforce the regulations relating to CAFSA. b. The vice-president shall represent the president in the absence of that officer, plan programs with approval of the executive committee, and perform other duties at the request of the president. The vice-president shall be the president the following year. c. The secretary/treasurer shall take minutes at meetings of CAFSA and the executive committee, maintain and preserve these and other pertinent records, receive all monies due to CAFSA and pay expenditures, maintain records of transactions, and make a financial report by the end of June. d. The associate program director shall assist the vice-president in planning programs and perform other duties at the request of the vice-president. e. The social director shall assist in arranging social activities for CAFSA, contact members for CAFSA events, and perform other duties at the request of the president. f. The Website manager shall maintain, update, and revise the Web pages of CAFSA. Article V - Committees Section I. Executive committee. The executive committee shall consist of the five elected officers.   Section 2. Nominating committee. The executive committee shall serve as the nominating committee chaired by the vice-president.   Section 3. Auditing committee. The president shall appoint two members to form an auditing committee annually.   Section 4. Other committees.   a. Other committees shall be appointed as necessary by the president with the assistance of the executive committee. These committees shall be established to meet the needs of CAFSA. b. Chairpersons of committees shall report on committee activities to the executive committee. Article VI - Meetings Section I. Regular meetings.   Regular meetings of CAFSA shall be held biannually.   Section 2. Special meetings. The executive committee may call special meetings. The notice and purpose of meetings should be given at least one week in advance.   Section 3. Quorum. The quorum for regular meetings and any special meetings shall be a majority of those non- abstaining regular members. If at least two-thirds of the non-abstaining regular members are present, the quorum shall be a majority of those at the meeting.   Article VII - Nomination and Election In the spring of each year, the nominating committee shall solicit and accept nominations from members for any vacancies in the executive committee for the next membership year. Regular members in good standing are eligible to be nominated and to vote. The election shall be conducted by confidential mail ballot. There shall be no voting by proxy .A candidate shall be elected by a plurality vote of those voting.   Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern CAFSA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.   Article IX -Amendments and Revision These bylaws may be changed by a two-thirds vote of those voting, provided that the proposed amendments or revision have been submitted earlier in writing to the executive committee and a previous notice has been given to the members. These bylaws should be reviewed and updated every ten years or more frequently as deemed appropriate.