Disability and Testing Services
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343
Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212
Dr. Nick Petty
Director, Disability and Testing Services
Jeffery Dell
Asst. Director Assistive Tech
Manager, Testing and Note Taking Services
Mary Lynn Dixon
Specialist, Disability and Testing Services
Specialist, Accessible Media
Test Proctor
Generally, receipt of notes will be done via the . If you are not logged in already, you must do so using your single sign on. as it allows our office to track the fulfillment of your accommodation, as well as the quality of the notes uploaded.
- Request Accommodations in the .
- Confirm the Request for Notetaking Services
- Receive an E-mail when Note taker is Identified
- Login and Download Notes
Step 1: request accommodations in the AIM Student Portal
To receive notes you must check the Notetaking Services checkbox when requesting accommodations for a class. Every student that wants to use their academic accommodations for classes must request their accommodations for each class every semester. Directions for requesting accommodations can be found on the Accommodation and Notification Services page. If you have requested accommodations and did not check this checkbox you can choose to Modify Request in the . If you are not logged in already, you must do so using your 91国产精品 ID and password.
Step 2: confirm the request for notetaking services
Requests for Notetaking Services must be confirmed in either the AIM Student Portal or by click ing Yes, I need notes in one of the confirmation request e-mails sent to your 91国产精品 e-mail. All requests must be confirmed within 2 weeks of the start of a class or the request will be automatically cancelled. If you do not request your accommodations until after the semester starts, the two week period will start from when you request your accommodations.
It is easy to confirm the Notetaking Services in the . When you login Click on the link for Notetaking Services on the left-hand side of the page. For each class you want to confirm click the Confirm Now link.
You will start receiving e-mails for your Notetaking Services requests at the end of the first week of classes. This is set so that students can bspend a week in the class and decide if they want to use the accommodation. The second e-mail asking you to confirm will go out at the beginning of week 2. If the request is not confirmed by the end of the second week the request is automatically cancelled. At that point you will need to speak with your Disability Specialist in our office to reinstate the request.
All e-mails will go to your 91国产精品 e-mail account. If you do not check this account regularly please have it forwarded to an account that you will check.
Step 3: receive an e-mail when notetaker is identified
You will receive an e-mail when a note taker has been assigned to your class. You will also receive e-mails when notes are uploaded to the AIM Student Portal. This way you will know when you can login to access new notes. You can turn on SMS messages in the AIM Student Portal so that you receive updates on uploaded notes, and scheduled appointments as a text message.
- Log into the
- Click on the link for SMS (Text Messaging)
- Set SMS Text Messaging Permitted to Yes
- Select your Mobile Phone Provider
- Enter your Cell Phone Number if it is not already in the field
- Check which services you want text message updates. (The Accommodated Testing does not work)
- Click Update Your Preference
Step 4: login and download notes
- Login to the
- Go to the Notetaking Services link
- This page will show you a list of classes where you are requesting notes
- Browse the list to see if you need to confirm any request, and if so click the Confirm link
- To see the available notes for a class click Available Notes for Download next to that class to expand the list of available notes
- Click Download Note for any files you wish to open
The browser you are using determines what you need to do next. You may need to click on a Save or Open button or choose which program you wish to view the download with.
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343
Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212
Dr. Nick Petty
Director, Disability and Testing Services
Jeffery Dell
Asst. Director Assistive Tech
Manager, Testing and Note Taking Services
Mary Lynn Dixon
Specialist, Disability and Testing Services
Specialist, Accessible Media
Test Proctor