Inviting Foreign Guests for Commencement or Family Visit

If you wish to invite a member of your family to come to the United States on a B-2 visa (visitor for touristic purposes), you may wish to follow the steps below. Please keep in mind the suggested procedure is for visitor visa applications only.

1. Write a letter (see template below) to the nonimmigrant visa officer in which you:

  • Indicate the expected length of visit and preferred arrival date
  • Indicate pertinent biographical information of the visitors (i.e... name, relationship to you, date of birth, country of citizenship)
  • If you wish to add information regarding your gradation date.
  • Date and sign the form

2. Request an Enrollment Certification/Registration letter. This letter can be requested from Campus 411 All-in-One.

3. Each family remember should receive their own separate letter from you.

4. Do not mail this letter to the embassy/consulate. Ask your guest to include it with the Enrollment Verification letter to the visa interview.

sample letter.JPG

Mailing Address
Center for International Services and Programs
2121 Euclid Ave BH 412
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Campus Location
Berkman Hall 412
1899 E 22nd St
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214

Phone: 216.687.3910
Fax: 216.687.3965